We are all unconditional users of smartphones. Our addiction to this tool is only growing. With more than 2 billion mobile application downloads in France in 2021, the enthusiasm of application users is no longer to be demonstrated. Mobile applications are becoming essential even in professional fields.
The construction sector is part of this general trend and the digital revolution is underway. The rise of applications is a fundamental component of this. The giants of the sector are spending hundreds of thousands of euros to launch their applications and remain commercially aggressive. Smartphones and their applications have become essential tools of modern life. Small and medium-sized companies sometimes find themselves perplexed, even helpless, as to what strategy to adopt. Indeed, the budget can quickly reach more than 50.000 or even 100.000 euros with an annual maintenance of 20% of the initial price. And yet, it is on the “Stores” that the user will look for the name of his usual partner. Companies still do not have the human and financial resources and the skills are sometimes cruelly lacking. Can you nevertheless stay away from this trend?
The mobile application increases your visibility and generates traffic to your products.
More than 87% of the time spent on a phone is related to the use of mobile applications, banking, transport, social media, communication, no field escapes it. More flexible, more ergonomic and more powerful, applications are in phase with the technological evolution of smartphones, they stick to the user’s usage.
Applications complement your mobile site to create a more personal customer experience. Using an application on one’s phone or tablet creates a proximity with your supplier and allows you to build loyalty among your users. Your community has an icon with your name on the home screen of their smartphone and with a simple click, they have all the necessary information about your products. The goal of an app is to keep the user active, show that they are really interested and personalize their experience. Notifications are also there for that.
The app adds to the ease of use of an always-connected smartphone, especially from the job site.
Your company benefits from the influence of the Apple Store and Google Play Store on all your customers’ phones and increases your visibility, reinforces your brand image. It is a major sales tool.
The mobile application is information and action anywhere and everywhere. You make your users’ work easier, and they will give it back to you. The application is the way to build loyalty and create your community.
Unlike a mobile site, applications use all the “native” features of smartphones: GPS, gyroscope, camera, etc. Like any program, it must be downloaded before being installed. The technical characteristics of an application give it many advantages over mobile and responsive sites:
- The execution is faster: the interface elements do not need to be downloaded from a server.
- The functional possibilities are much more extensive.
- Access to user data is easier.
- Applications can issue push notifications for more interaction with the user.
- Some applications can work offline.
Notifications boost your sales and the loyalty of your network. A new product, a commercial news, a new video, a new catalog, a new trial ticket, a new standard that is favorable to you… With a single push, you inform your community, you become the new reference that meets the needs of your user. He will be informed at any time and will appreciate it.
The craftsman, the design office, even the do-it-yourselfer, all want to save time. The power of applications offers considerable advantages. The user of the application finds the answers to his questions in one click on his screen. The information becomes addictive and creates a new customer experience.